The picture on the left is Morihei Ueshiba, which is the founder of Aikido Martial Arts. The right is Gozo Shioda, which is one of the students of Morihei Ueshiba and the founder of Aikido Yoshinkan style.
Although Gozo Shioda originally has dependent minded on people and environment, he has acquired his mind of independence so that he can live by himself.
Because of the nature of dependent on people, ‘to leave who he is as it is’ causes him dependent on religion. So, Gozo Shioda could not let go of his natural mind. He always needed to control his dependent mind, different from Morihei Ueshiba which lives in a relaxed way. So, he chose different way of life from his master, Morihei Ueshiba.
In Gozo Shioda’s portraits, he looks challengingly at lends of camera. It seems like demanding independence toward people watching his portrait only because he came over his dependence.
There is a book, which is “Introduction to Records of Ancient Matters ‘Kojiki’ for those who learn Aikido” by Kyoichi Inoue, written in Japanese.「合気道を学ぶ人のための古事記入門」
In this book, Kyoichi Inoue writes an episode.
Morihei Ueshiba says to Gozo Shioda,
“Take the earthworm's spirit to practice to be a god, and you can become a god, too.”
Gozo Shioda answered.
“I don’t want to be a god, yet.”
According to my interpretation to this dialogue,
‘Earthworm’ means
“Small weak existences Gozo Shioda misses, such as socially vulnerable people, his own family members, and commonplace people, different from Gozo Shioda which has very gifted and well-schooled.”
That is, Morihei Ueshiba means,
“You live not only by yourself. You are kept alive by everything around you”
Answered by Gozo Shioda,
It seems that
“I don’t want to let go of my rational mind, I want to live as Gozo Shioda and die as Gozo Shioda.”
The difference between views is just not Gozo Shioda’s nature of dependent mind, but also the perspective friction between civilized and uncivilized societies.
Growing up in an urbanized society, Gozo Shioda believed in the concept of Identity. Self in yesterday must be self in today. It has to be the same. The basic informantion should be unchanged in information society. The concept of ID is convenient for information management.
The concept of Identity is a promise in information society because it is a concept created not for oneself but for the people who are associated with oneself to escape social disorder.
However, the thought of Morihei Ueshiba is not allowed in civilized society. Ueshiba Thought is more natural mind, close to nature.
Morihei Ueshiba, born in 1883 in Wakayama prefecture in Japan, growing up as a country boy in a farmer family. Gozo Shioda, born in 1915 in Tokyo in Japan, growing up as a city boy under his father who is a pediatric doctor.
In portrait, Morihei Ueshiba is relaxed and he doesn’t focus on the lens of camera. He just feels. Morihei Ueshiba leaves answer entirely to nature. Morihei Ueshiba is natural and pluralistic.
Gozo shioda always face to face: he is always thinking. Gozo shioda is more centralized: monotheistic.
Gozo Shioda has a desire that transmute mystical mind by Morihei Ueshiba into rationalistic thought.
When I watch Gozo Shioda’s portrait, it seems that he thinks it irresponsible to let vague and unclear as it is.
A proverb by Gozo Shioda
“There is the God in my body” In Japanese, “Waga Nikunomiyani Kamiyadoru”
I interpret it from his portrait.
Cogito ergo sum./ I am because I think.
Gozo shioda continues to think because he wants to keep himself.
It is at once a sense of self and reason that to continue to remain himself.
He believes reason is the thing that makes us human.
It is the very nature of God that we have reason
井上強一先生が書かれた、「合気道を学ぶ人のための古事記入門」 の中に、植芝先生と塩田先生のエピソードがあります